API --- .. module:: flask_sqlalchemy This part of the documentation documents all the public classes and functions in Flask-SQLAlchemy. Configuration ````````````` .. autoclass:: SQLAlchemy :members: Models `````` .. autoclass:: Model :members: .. attribute:: __bind_key__ Optionally declares the bind to use. `None` refers to the default bind. For more information see :ref:`binds`. .. attribute:: __tablename__ The name of the table in the database. This is required by SQLAlchemy; however, Flask-SQLAlchemy will set it automatically if a model has a primary key defined. If the ``__table__`` or ``__tablename__`` is set explicitly, that will be used instead. .. autoclass:: BaseQuery :members: Sessions ```````` .. autoclass:: SignallingSession :members: Utilities ````````` .. autoclass:: Pagination :members: .. autofunction:: get_debug_queries `Оригинал этой страницы `_